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Lugol's 66

2.2% Iodine | 4.4% KI | 55,640 mg/L total iodine species | 100% USP-grade components | Not for human consumption

C8 Lugol's .bmp


  • 6.6% w/v solution (4.4% KI, 2.2% I2), utilizing 100% USP-grade components

  • Produced and packaged upon receipt of order, ensuring that solution retains maximum viability and that rubber dropper bulb remains supple throughout life of product (Lugol's stored long-term gradually loses strength through off-gassing, and bottles stored in external sleeves or boxes are prone to cracking rubber dropper bulbs).

  • Total iodine species: 55,640 mg/L.

  • 1 drop per 12.9 gallons (48.7 L) provides 0.05715 mg/L total iodine, which is the natural seawater iodine value at 35 psu and 77°F.

  • Not for human consumption.


  • For aquaculture and research use, only.

  • Lugol's solution in this formulation is a decades-old proven effective means of iodine and iodide supplementation in recirculating marine ecosystems, particularly systems such as reef aquaria and coral farming operations. 

  • Iodine solutions are routinely used in coral propagation as a means of mitigating pathogenic interference with tissue recovery.

Purchasing Options

Reef Blueprint (packaged in sizes suited to systems ≤500 gallons)

Captiv8 Aquaculture (larger systems, commercial, academic, research, zoological)

This item is available in one size: 30 mL.

This item may not be exported.


Lugol's solution has been utilized in the maintenance of recirculating marine ecosystems for several decades.  Within the context of reef aquaria, Lugol's is applied on a general basis as a source of iodine species, considered critical in systems housing zooxanthellate marine invertebrates and crustaceans.  Further, Lugol's is utilized in coral propagation practices, in which it's incorporated into a bath for specimens which have undergone propagation or suffered physical damage.


Daily dosing of Lugol's is recommended; this approach enables the concentration of iodine species in the system to remain more consistent than when dosing on a less frequent basis.  Dosing through an automated apparatus is particularly recommended, with dosing occurring within the time frame that the zooxanthellate marine invertebrates within the system are illuminated.  Dilute Lugol's into a larger volume of purified water for the purpose of automated dosing if desired.  Ensure that the dosing vessel is clean, and that the solution remains free from contaminants and is stored out of intense illumination; a dilute solution prepared and maintained in this fashion will remain viable for several months.

Dosing volume is a factor of system design and cohort stocking density and makeup.  Due to the uniqueness of each individual system, there is no single dosing recommendation that will work for all systems.  Please use the following guidelines in order to determine a sensible beginning dosage:

  • Up to ~10% growing area coverage with zooxanthellate marine invertebrates: 1 drop per 100 gallons net system volume (NSV) daily

  • ~10% - 25% growing area coverage with zooxanthellate marine invertebrates: 1 drop per 80 gallons NSV daily

  • ~25% - 50% growing area coverage with zooxanthellate marine invertebrates: 1 drop per 50 gallons NSV daily

  • >50% growing area coverage with zooxanthellate marine invertebrates: 1 drop per 30 gallons NSV daily

Be aware that iodine rapidly depletes in reef aquaria, particularly in mature systems stocked with established coral colonies and zooxanthellate clams, and in which dissolved and particulate organic material is in relatively great abundance; therefore, an elevated iodine value recorded early in the day may be entirely depleted by the day's end.  Dosing via automated means helps mitigate this rise and fall.

Much has been opined on the internet regarding the supposed dangers of Lugol's application in reef aquaria; it is unclear where these opinions emanate from, however the reality is that Lugol's is entirely safe when applied as directed, as is evidenced by the millions of corals that have been successfully raised in commercial coral aquaculture systems and reef aquaria regularly dosed with Lugol's over the past several decades.  Captiv8 Aquaculture conducted a six month project in which three mature recirculating reef ecosystems within our lab were maintained at elevated iodine concentrations by applying Lugol's at 10x the recommended dosage, without a single mortality to system inhabitants; to the contrary, we observed nightly larval release of ornamental crustaceans (Lysmata spp.), which subsided within one week of resuming normal Lugol's dosing.  This information is not intended to encourage overdosing of Lugol's; to the contrary, we strongly encourage users to abide by the guidelines printed above, adjusting dosage according to the total iodine value reported by routine accurate analysis, and appearance of system inhabitants.  The information is provided namely to illustrate that even severe overdose of Lugol's in reef systems over a prolonged period may be tolerated by system inhabitants.

As with all supplements, perform regular analysis for critical ions, using a reliable test method, in order to determine the current concentration of the ion in question, and dose accordingly to maintain that ion within a narrow range of the standardized value.  Overdosing of any substance, whether intentional or due to misuse (including failure to follow dosing guidelines set forth by the manufacturer), may result in mortality of system inhabitants.  Your and your system's safety is your responsibility.

If a suspected overdose has occurred, then application of a compound meant to neutralize chloramine will bind available iodine in the system.

Coral Propagation

In a clean vessel sized adequately to accommodate the coral specimen(s) being propagated, add 20 drops Lugol's per gallon of system water used, and stir adequately to disperse the Lugol's throughout the water.  Place the damaged coral(s) into the bath for 7 - 10 minutes, then remove coral(s) and place into recovery system.  This solution may be re-used, however with each successive use the strength of iodine will have decreased.  Discard solution when finished.


Notice: It is not possible to eliminate all risks associated with the use, handling, or storage of this product. Ineffectiveness, injury to crops and/or livestock, or other unintended consequences may result due to factors outside the control of Captiv8 Aquaculture or the seller. Buyer or user shall assume all such risks. For details, go to Terms and Conditions. Consult SDS before use.


Disclaimer: Captiv8 Aquaculture warrants that this product conforms to the description, and is reasonably fit for the purposes described, on its label. In no event shall Captiv8 Aquaculture or the seller be held liable for any incidental, consequential, or special damages, loss, or injury, including, without limiting, lost profits, resulting from the use or handling of this product. The exclusive remedy of the buyer or user for all claims shall be the return of the purchase price of this product. Express and implied warranties are disclaimed. Captiv8 Aquaculture does not authorize any agent or representative to make any other warranty, guarantee, or representation concerning this product.

For sale by Captiv8 Aquaculture and its authorized dealers, only.

© 2025 Captiv8 Aquaculture. All rights reserved.

Coral images courtesy of ACI Aquaculture unless otherwise noted.

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